

Everyone has the right to make a complaint whether it be about a service, person or event, and Service Users of C & S Care Services Ltd are of no exception.

C & S Care Services Ltd encourage our Service Users to be as vocal as possible about their care experience – we want to provide the highest standards of care and cannot do this without receiving their views .

It is our aim, that with both positive and negative comments, our service will be constantly reviewed and updated, providing the best possible care to our Service Users.

Verbal / Written Complaints.

All complaints may be sent by either post to Regent House,Bath Avenue,Wolverhampton, WV1 4EG, email to [email protected] , telephone 01902 810174, or by person at the above address.

  • If complaints are made in person or by telephone a written record of the complaint will be made and a copy will be provided to the complainant within 3 working days.
  • A complaint must be made no later than 12 months after the date occurred or if later the date the event came to the notice of the complainant, the time limit will not apply if C & S Care Services Ltd is satisfied that the complainant can give a good reason for not making the complaint within the time limit and despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.
  • C & S Care Services Ltd will only accept complaints from a representative under certain conditions, where it is known that the Service User has consented either verbally or in writing.


  • Where the Service User cannot complain unaided and cannot give consent because they lack capacity within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the representative is acting in the Service Users best interests.
  • Anyone wishing to make a complaint should contact us as soon as possible and ask to speak to Registered Manager Dawn Selwood to register your complaint.
  • Every complaint will be dealt with professionally, confidentially and resolved as soon as possible with the outcome provided in writing to the Service User concerned.
  • All complaints will be acknowledged within 3 working days and the name of the person who will investigate will be provided.

 If a complaint cannot be resolved immediately:

  • In the case of formal complaints our main aim is to identify the nature of the complaint in a calm manner.  The company will always endeavour to send out a Senior member of staff to collaborate all information that is required.
  • A file note will be made of the matters of concern and passed to Registered Manager,  with a copy sent to the Care Manager at Social Services. This will include the following details:
  • Complainant’s name and address.
  • Date of birth.
  • Nature of complaint.
  • Date, time and location of complaint.
  • Staff involved.
  • Action taken to resolve it.
  • The complainant will be advised that the matter will be investigated and the appropriate manager will contact them further.

Time scale for dealing with complaints

  • Complaints must be acknowledged, where possible on the day of receipt or in any case within 3 days of receipt.
  • The complainant will be kept informed of the progress of the investigation.
  • All complaints will be dealt with within the 28 working days of the companies complaints procedure unless further action or information is needed then this could take up to 6 months for closure.
  • Once your complaint has been fully dealt with by C & S Care Services Ltd, if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO), the LGO provides a free independent service, you can contact the LGO advice team for information and advice or to register your complaint.

T: 03000 610614

E: [email protected]


  • The LGO will not usually investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters.
  • Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers, but is happy to receive information about our services at any time.  You can contact CQC at:-

Care Quality Commission WestMidlands,                                                                                                                                 City Gate,                                                                                      Gallowgate,                                                                                                                                  Newcastle Upon Tyne                                                                                                                     NE1 4PA

  • Complaints will be resolved and the complainants have received a full letter of response within 28 working days.


  • All Service Users are entitled to absolute confidentiality.
  • Staff will limit the discussions of complaints to those staff immediately concerned and treat all complaints as confidential.

This procedure can be made available on request in other languages and other formats such as cassette and Braille